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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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time magazine names of barack obama personally gave calling him the architects of a new america her critics say they need action not words from the president on issues like gun control. also later today say we'll bring you julian assange just christmas address as they add so we can make small six months of asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london. reason is set for a grilling by the media in his class tomorrow some question on secession since returning as president.
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and you saw russia and iran the wall this is us he was me our thanks for joining us . u.s. president barack obama has become time magazine's person of the year for a second time gaining the award for being the symbol and the all over new america by the publications and for the president is not shared by all many remain unconvinced by obama's action on such topics as gun control she's going to check out now reports. they're choosing president obama as the person of the year second time the first time they gave him the title right after the two thousand and eight election as to someone who had the most influence on global affairs although at that time he hadn't had the time to exercise all that influence but then president obama also received the nobel peace prize in two thousand and nine ers shortly after his election although i guess at that point he hadn't made much peace in the
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world the award was seen as much more of an advance credit than and knowledge meant of actual achievements on the peace fronts later president obama went on to spend that credit sending more troops to afghanistan and carrying out regime change in libya under the arguable banner war for the sake of peace as far as his person of the year title critics argue president obama was time's choice by default their shortlist this year also included the egyptian leader mohammed morsi and the pakistani girl malala yousafzai who was shot by the taliban for advocating for women's education president obama may be the person of the year for the time magazine but for advocates of gun control in the u.s. he still has to earn that title president obama had a news conference where he was asked why no meaningful action has been taken on gun control in the last four years of his presidency although one of his campaign
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pledges was a ban on assault weapons he basically said he had lots of other things to do including waging two wars and quote it's not like i've been on vacation he said those in the u.s. who suffered in numerous incidents of gun violence would probably not be satisfied with such an answer but the president pledged to finally take more active steps in the coming months he said the administration will come up with a more definitive proposal on gun control but people have heard those words before and nothing happened and getting a semiautomatic weapon is not a problem in the u.s. adam lanza who killed twenty small children and. six adults at an elementary school last week fired from a semi-automatic bushmaster rifle it's a military style rifle a powerful weapon and its sales are on the rise in the u.s. in the last four years the market for such guns grew thirty percent and journalists and activists don't dubon says the actions and policies of the u.s.
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president speaking louder than the was of time magazine and says time magazine's editors giving them giving him the award can only be you can only guess impute whatever motive they have to them in terms of what he's actually done we have to look at his policies in terms of workers getting jobs nothing in terms of giving people who are in foreclosure relief not much in terms of peace making he started more wars than george bush and so you know we have to look at his policy rather than what some magazine who may be going to the f.c.c. or some other regulatory agency for relief for the many t.v. stations the time inc owns rather than that we need to look at his policies well go back to two thousand and eight when he was given supposedly because of the influence he had on international affairs and within four weeks of receiving that said he had no comment about israel's war on gaza that ended up killing fifteen hundred civilians it's pretty meaningless and the thing that's most revealing is
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they themselves called an electoral college over a popular vote scam when they said it's the editor's choice and not the people but the people voting for the president of north korea over the president the united states and we know now the ad so we can leaks julian assange just said to make his christmas speech later on thursday knocking six months since he knocked on the door of the ecuadorian embassy in london that dress has already sponsored my speculation over what kind of message they will stop whistleblower is to deliver he's lost with our opponents. later on thursday julian assange is doing something which is usually reserved for heads of state queens the pope people like that he's giving a christmas message from the balcony of the ecuadorian embassy where he's been holed up for the last six months and in fact this speech will mark his six month anniversary inside the ecuadorian embassy now the last time julian assange appeared in public it was back in august and he'd organize a kind of
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a rally around the embassy so speeches by politicians and other supporters as a kind of a carnival atmosphere with balloons and all that kind of thing and then he came on and made his speech and he made a couple of important points one of which was to urge the u.s. to end what he calls the witch hunt against wiki leaks and he also called for the release of bradley manning who's of course being held. on trial in the u.s. accused of leaking classified documents to wiki leaks so those are two things that he may mention again when he talks later on thursday he also may talk about his most recent bid to run for the senate in the two thousand and thirteen australian federal elections he's made that announcement and he's said that wiki leaks is setting up a political party for which plans are significantly advanced and they have received significant support from notable australians he says that that party is designed to
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promote openness in government and politics and also to combat growing intrusions on individual privacy one of the things i learnt during the interview that he gave me a couple of weeks ago was that julian assad is increasingly unwilling to talk about his personal situation he prefers to stick to the wider issues and so that is why one of the things he may talk about would be the continuing blockade of wiki leaks by visa master card and pay pal that's a case that's ongoing at the moment and also a possible further leak that he mentioned to me they're talking about leaking more documents in the new year watch this space he said. and as a son it remains a look within ecuador's diplomatic mission or washington hasn't stopped its prosecution of the whistleblower says unlikely experts meant kristinn hrafnsson well we know about the ongoing. investigation secret grand jury and. there is.
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an ongoing attempt to find an angle to bring charges against julian and possibly all those working for we can use as a very serious matter of course very shameful for the obama administration not to stop that for the man who was right even taken four years ago to increase transparency and what we have seen is totally the opposite which hunt against whistleblowers. persons in history who will continue our work as we have done despite the difficult situation that you has been in in the ecuador embassy you know for six months but probably it was your house arrest that hasn't stopped us we have continued to work. the economic blockade has not stopped us either even though we are getting into what are your situation financially but that's all that we have to say it. all out war and until we have
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a victory there as well in the new year let's hear a person is now taking questions from a gathering of russian and international journalists at an end of year q. and a session here in moscow so this is his first time he's faced the press and such numbers since returning to the kremlin and he were piskun always following the conference for us right now you go high that so what can we expect to come out of this session starting right now as far as i understand. well first of all this is my demeanor which ins first a large press conference in over four years he didn't hold any when he was the prime minister during his previous terms in office it became clear that the president is a fan of extended conferences two three four hours long four hours and forty minutes is his personal record in two thousand and eight this time over twelve hundred journalists have registered to attend this conference from all over russia and from abroad is the biggest number so far so there are all the reasons to expect
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any other media marathon according to put in the spokesman you know questions have been prepared in advance in the fact. to him the president has been studying for this conference for the past couple of days surrounded by piles of documents with the data last week during the last of the federal assembly he spoke mostly on domestic issues here i corruption. the economy moving the living conditions and song so he's expected to elaborate on that but it's very likely that international issues are going to be touched upon as well like the conflict in syria definitely the relationship with the u.s. which hasn't been going through the easiest times lately with the magnitsky act in america russian lawmakers are currently working on their proportionate reply as they call it which i mean who the controversial ban on adoption of the russian children by americans with an issue which has only split russian society but even
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the political elite so definitely a lots of issues are in the area and i'll be updating you throughout the day as this conference goes on. and obviously you can watch a live video stream from president putin's and over here q. and a martin with the press on our website r.t. dot com. so had for you this hour worldwide review the united nations security council demands that israel vote on the use settlement construction valid to build more homes in the palestinian territories. and also on his rise in the european union where almost a quarter of citizens could soon find themselves below the poverty line that's after the break. looking at some jokes you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how
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they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as australia canada and the us i come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like a laska and so i felt at home the first blood joke was brought here from us straight here now it's true i don't come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail are amazing but even more amazing is the story of how racing first started here atoll it wasn't the top of sled dog racing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for orphans who brought their idea to life. five years ago mother press carer built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local all when it came around to take
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care of the dogs and one day they stayed there life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their four legged friends but mother per square also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys regularly updated their website and they're in touch with their business mother twenty four seven on the phone. but children are the most important thing my only interests not play any role anymore and regardless of whether parsky has huskies win the race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the winning but truly just the taking part that counts.
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speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's what you hear on all t.v. reporting from the world talks of the ip interview intrigued. arabic to find out more visit arabic.
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this is also welcome to the u.n. security council has criticized israel for pushing on with its settlement plans and pursing the two state peace talks at risk that prime minister binyamin netanyahu referred to jerusalem as a jerk capital and evolved to press ahead israeli settlements in occupied palestinian lands that seem as inigo on the international policy and our reports. israeli officials say that they're pressing on with plans to build six thousand new homes this defiance criticism from western powers who fear that the move will hamper an already faint hopes for a peace deal between israelis and palestinians you'll remember that it was just last month after the de facto recognition of palestinian sovereignty at the united
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nations that israel made its new and nonce meant in terms of settlement building it said that it would expand settlements in the occupied west bank as well as in east jerusalem and at that time there was international and quiet the point needs to be made that israel continues to build in utter defiance of international law and as well as of united nations resolutions so many critics are pointing out that is also sort of missed with settlements is part of the reason why it's becoming increasingly isolated by its erstwhile partners primarily in europe but that's not to say that i think.
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as change the reality on the ground one of the options is that. in like minded people are creating a situation will by the number of certain events will be such a significant one that eventually the suit. still see it as a real obstacle to creating a viable capital in east jerusalem course the r.t.e. tel aviv. website right now a backlash by russian lawmakers against washington's moderates could go splits
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russian society with many saying innocents children should be left out of political bickering the online. u.k. please lay down the law on cyber bullying outlining how full how far comments on social networks can go aboard trucks and that turned. into orbit so they just screw blast off on the soyuz rocket from a freezing baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan you'll find all the details on the space station mission. all. right now is addressing the most pressing issues brought forward by the media and in the end of year q. and a session he's facing a gathering of more than twelve hundred journalists let's now listen. but i think you should have accounts in the russian banks. and the russian federation we have
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a great deal of banks with one hundred percent foreign. and you know usually their workability is not disputed by anyone so if this bank upgrades and rushing. capital does not matter the thing that matters is that it's an international financial institution and as regards to real estate i also grieve. spoke on that foreign call expelled last identify those in breach of rules will be grateful to them and will give them some premium but it's not about officials. you. know they just replaced one to sort it into russian backed by another they can't do without us that's they were just trying to do it but he blew it big out and by the standards of the past which is bad and which is poisonous far
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relations with and as regards this very topic touched upon the adoption of children by foreign citizens as far as i know the results of the opinion polls the majority russian citizens have a negative attitude towards such practices which should be able to cope with a spiral ourselves. and incentivize. adoption on the domestic level option of all forms. this year. but if you don't have believe you me to guess today's proposal by. what was right is going on the one needs to develop. inside the country. to eliminate the recreative barriers you need to support families who adopt and you and as for i think the american society with the. the thing is not about certain people and american citizens who are adopted russian mobile homes and children they rock
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taking place there and we are well aware of them but the majority of people who adopt our children are adequate parents they are honest. and decent people and. the reaction on. stage into but my visual is aimed not at those people but it's the position of american power that is what has listen position about you when there are crimes committed against the russian children when you do it which. is russian gold medalist and for it is they do not respond to this country so people who committed crimes against children are not punished but that's not all you put in you could be a russian representatives are not allowed to even in the capacity of other service into more neutral such processes you recently signed an agreement between the minister of foreign affairs and the state department about the actions of the
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russian side in a case of such crimes crisis situations and what do we have in the practice in the activity. around was. going to related by american legislation to the level of states and when our representatives try and fulfill the layer of legations they have told you that this is not up to the federal authorities but also the states to decide and it will the state level you do not have any agreements so address the state department and deal with the yearly and as far as a federal authority to. send them. to the states so they just do not react properly and as if they do not understand anything they do not allow it even in the capacity of up service.
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what part owner of a worry about going to be in the u.s. and american legislature. about human rights in our three sons in detention centers. very good deal but they have their own problems. i've already told both talked about the grave very well known. in the world one town among three some of. you for many years without. any crimes any charges and only as if. they were legalized. just imagine that we have something like this in our own country. and they are just highly blind eye to the problem and they promised to close guantanamo but they
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have not relieve it on this promise and maybe they continue to torture and remove. the so called security reasons of the cia and nobody was punished and today they go tell us that we have all the problems you have to know this but to me. and to russian act is not and when it was not. our actions i know that this was an emotional response by the state but that was the measure of how we tell you let's continue for those by you. my. president talking to members of russian international media outlets and of course you can watch this address. of putin's q. and a marathon with the press on our website. up next just a moment we'll be saying through some economic double talk with.
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good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for wednesday december nineteenth two thousand and twelve u.b.s. has settled over accusations of libel rigging as expected from reports we received earlier this week but we now know colorful details about the traders call each other nicknames like superman and captain chaos which was spelled wrong by the way that's according to the wall street journal now we got no such color from the federal reserve and its manipulation of rates but that is no points against we'll talk to a former v.p. of public affairs at the federal reserve bank of cleveland about what is lost in fed speak plus the treasury department announced it plans to sell its entire stake in g.m. within fifteen months according to the new york times a reminder of the bailouts in two thousand and eight of course but instead of
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government bailouts how about innovating out of a slowdown or changing your business model we'll talk to the c.e.o. of car to go north america about dialers adventure in car sharing and from new revenue to no revenue c.b.s. reports instagram is looking for ways to generate some revenue through ads but it will not pimp out its users in ads it backtracked after unleashing a whole bunch of hoopla yesterday after a change to its terms we'll talk about it let's get to today's capital account. so in addition to the one point five billion dollars settlement and guilty plea to a charge of fraud from its japanese subsidiary we now know u.b.s.
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traders were sending e-mails saying things like i want to do one humongous deal with you when i'll pay you whatever you want to secure help manipulating rates now this language is infuriating but at least it's way more straightforward than what we get from this same rate manipulator the fed now despite ben bernanke in the past suggesting the central bank could do a better job of communicating with the public we still hear a prevalence of fed speak in need of translation here is some well that's circumstance the committee would no longer be increasing the policy accommodation its policy stance would remain highly supportive of growth finally the committee today also modified its guidance about future rate policy to provide more information to the public about how to dissipates or react to evolving economic conditions are not exactly common language and translating fed changes in language gives rise to questions like this here's a tweet from
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a reporter what does the beige book change for a moderate to modest growth mean now i spoke to james savage earlier he was v.p. of public affairs at the cleveland fed from two thousand and eight to two thousand and eleven now he runs a company building and managing corporate reputations which is why lately he's been thinking a lot about the missteps fed's. so the whole reputation angle of the fed and and the efforts the fed has undertaken to better communicate really have been resonating with me lately and it's we've seen a few struggles in misfires out there and i think that's why we're here today yeah so before we get into some of those let's just talk about the importance of communication for the fed we know that it is extremely important for the fed is it as important as the fed actual monetary policy because that then can spread but attitude and expectations about the economy and the fed abilities are what can
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cause people to actually lever up and affect some of the behavioral decisions right right exactly and within the federal reserve there's a tremendous sensitivity to how policy is communicated i think it would be fair to say that for the for the fed communication is considered as important as the policy itself it's what determines whether or not policy will be effective i think that's where we start to see some of the struggles in that these these are ph d. economists and professional bankers and people whose natural tendencies may not be to communicate in the most transparent mode now that's that the fed is actually very aware of that and it's very sensitive and has a tremendous effort underway to try to be more transparent but as you and i have discussed separately sometimes it takes interesting forms and doesn't always achieve what they're seeking to achieve absolutely and.


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